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O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (Lei nº 8.069/90) é considerado um marco na mudança de paradigma na política de proteção à infância e adolescência ao adolescente no nosso país. Com base no ECA e na Convenção Internacional dos Direitos da Criança da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), a partir da doutrina da proteção integral, conforme já apontava a Constituição de 1988, todas as crianças e adolescentes são compreendidos como pessoas em condição peculiar de desenvolvimento, inclusive aqueles adolescentes que, porventura, cometam ato infracional.

Na nossa Constituição Federal (artigo 228º reforçado pelo artigo 27º do Código Penal, e pelo artigo 104º do ECA), a maioridade penal no Brasil ocorre aos 18 anos. É importante ressaltar que parte da doutrina considera que o artigo 228º da Constituição protege um direito individual e, por consequência, torna-se uma cláusula pétrea, o que inviabiliza a sua revogação.

No entanto, estamos acompanhando novamente a discussão no Congresso Nacional sobre a redução da maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos. A Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC) 171/93 equivocadamente atribui aos adolescentes e jovens a responsabilidade pela escalada da violência na sociedade, propagada cotidianamente, pela grande mídia conservadora e manipuladora. No texto da PEC é notória a ideia que os adolescentes e jovens pobres são criminosos na sua formação, culpabilizando-os por sua condição de vida. Tal concepção desconsidera os graves problemas estruturais da sociedade brasileira como a desigualdade e a exclusão social, o sistema educacional, de saúde, de moradia, de segurança pública, dentre outros que estão diretamente ligados à violência no país.

Segundo dados da UNICEF (2013), apenas 0,5% dos adolescentes envolvem-se em crimes graves no Brasil e menos de 1% dos homicídios praticados têm como autores adolescentes, em relação a 50 mil homicídios registrados anualmente no país. Então, se fizermos uma leitura da insegurança social, a participação dos adolescentes é muito pequena. Em contrapartida, o Mapa da Violência (2014) demonstra o brutal incremento dos homicídios contra os adolescentes e jovens, quando as taxas pularam de 4,0 homicídios para 75,0 por 100 mil, índices que “nem países em conflito armado conseguem alcançar”.

Mais do que agressores, os jovens são vítimas, especificamente os jovens negros das periferias e não há comoção nacional em relação aos 60 mil mortos que temos anualmente no Brasil que corresponde em duas décadas mais de um milhão de mortos, o que é superior a qualquer conflito armado contemporâneo.

Diante desse quadro, podemos afirmar que alterar a redução da maioridade penal não solucionará a questão da violência no país. Ela será mais uma forma de colocar jovens em um sistema prisional falido. O que é necessário, conforme prevê o ECA para adolescentes autores de ato infracional, é o cumprimento das medidas socioeducativas em sua totalidade pelos estados brasileiros. É urgente a efetivação do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE), que se tornou Lei Federal nº 12.594/2012, e propõe a superação da lógica da sanção e punição, assegurando ao adolescente assistência integral e as condições necessárias para o cumprimento das medidas socioeducativas, de modo a contribuir para que tenha seus direitos assegurados, e reconstrua sua vida.

Assim, os conselhos profissionais, entidades da sociedade civil, movimentos sociais, militantes, estudantes, professores, parlamentares, conselhos de direitos, setores públicos e cidadãos, abaixo relacionados, que atuam em defesa dos direitos humanos, criaram a FRENTE ESTADUAL CONTRA A REDUÇÃO DA MAIORIDADE PENAL DO ESTADO DA BAHIA com a finalidade de assegurar os marcos normativos e democráticos a serviço da Política de Promoção, Proteção e Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente.

Junte-se a nós em defesa do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), pela não penalização das medidas socioeducativas, pela efetivação do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE) e CONTRA A REDUÇÃO DA MAIORIDADE PENAL!



  1. Adel Khedira

    26 de julho de 2015 at 22:05

    Torture & Killing of Muslims by E-Jews using Americain Mind Control System. + Charlie Hebdo + Bardo + …

    (v.: 19.50)

    My case:

    “I am Adel Khedira, telecommunications engineer, born XX February 19XX in Hammamet Tunisia, the subject of very serious criminal acts committed against me in France, from 1989 to 2003, and thereafter in Tunisia, from 2003 to present, by Jewish extremists (E-jews) working on a global scale. It started in France via the French Secret Service against espionage (Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire) that the E-Jews infiltrates, it was continued then in France via a secret reason of state with infinite power, and since about 1999 they started to use against me a secret sophisticated mind control system, developed and designed without a doubt by the United States of America. I’m at least the target of extremist Jews from the United States of America and France. My case includes a number of components: ethnic, industrial, political, torture, discrimination, …With this system of mind control these extremist Jews secretly control France, and other countries of the world, and they control politicians (President of the Republic …), judges, lawyers, police, doctors, criminal organizations…They are able to alter almost anything in a country in which they control anybody they want with the mind control system. These criminals, representing the most powerful criminal organization since the creation of mankind, will stop at nothing, they even resort to terrorism, and intrigue as to successfully shape, depending on their interests, public opinion. They established a secret world dictatorship, democracies, which led to these criminals, have become blankets and staged for their ultra mafia system. They savagely hinder my judicial and my paperwork against them while perpetuating my massacre preventing me to live normally for many years (no work opportunities, social life, marriage, freedom…), I live in a prison without a door and without walls. They barbarously tortured me very long through the mind control system by applying facts maligned through so many websites on the electronic torture and instigating many sexual abuse, surely few people who have been so much and so severely tortured as me, I was even transferred from France to Tunisia to facilitate these barbarities. I learned a lot about these criminals, they alter a part of world politics, they control major world power, and they also operate in the Arab-Muslim world to serve the interests of Israel. My strength and my abilities, which allowed me to reveal this, motivate these criminals to perpetuate cowardly my massacre. They also attacked members of my family; they murdered my father in July 2004. As a cover, with much villainy, they try to cut myself off from the world in an invisible manner (isolation, strict control of my relations and all …) while trying through so many heinous acts to make me look mentally ill, believing that to be influenced by a system of mind control, thinking to deal with Jewish extremists, etc. These criminals are horrible people no compromising situation can reverse, they believe they are smarter than others that they still believe successfully fooled into stopping at nothing, even to present themselves as victims. A number of times I was able to put them in default and to have concrete evidence against them. As an indication, for many years they even prevent me from being able to explain to my family the mind control system and its implementation against them and me. My goals are : to put those awful extremists out of harm’s way by raising awareness to as many people, to participate in implementing a technical tool to protect from this mind control system, to bring these criminals to face a international court to reveal all of their incredible crimes and to condemn them.”

    I need help.
    I need your support.
    These extremists massacred me with my family, with their huge resources they cut me from the world and they distort the truth.
    I need your help against barbarism, I invite you to distribut my text as widely as possible, this will perhaps help to defeat these extremists who think they can do everything with impunity in this world.

    P.S. : Among these criminals, or in connection with them, figure with certainty :
    – an extremist french person with the name, Frédéric Andriot, part, as cover and for convenience, of the against espionage service of France (formerly DST), who is married with a jewish person, Sarah Joly, and who was in charge of my very close destruction from 1994 to 1997.
    – a very extremist french jewish person with the name, Laurent Raccah, part, as cover and for convenience, of the against espionage service of France (formerly DST), who was born around 1970 and these criminals tried to hide him with homonyms, and who was in charge of my very close destruction from 1997 to at least 2000. A part of E-Jews of France are using this secret police to commit crimes for their benefit with the cover that they are working for the official french state. This is at least an anti-democratic and discovers a deep blow to the French state sovereignty and its components. A way to achieve this is the corruption of politicians by E-Jews.
    – an extremist french jewish person with the name, Philipe Perez, part, as cover and for convenience, of the french police (“Commissaire de Police” by around 1999). he established in 2/1999 a false report saying he found me in my home in a state of madness led me to an arbitrary psychiatric confinement along a month. He also asked me to leave France because I refuse abuses and anti-democratic power of the E-Jews in France as part of my case. I secretly recorded audiotape my arrest and I proved the falsity of the report made by the policeman, acting in consultation with other members of his gang, among them: Laurent Raccah … Because of Mind Control, with which they control and direct the Justice (judges, etc..), they prevented me from asserting my rights while denying me during a quarter century of all impartial lawyer. For them justice is not impartial justice but it is a staging and manipulation to infinity based on lies and false they are trying to impose, if necessary with Mind Control, and whoever opposes them becomes a target of their attacks.
    – an extremist french jewish person with the name, Rémy Dullieux, was a former director in FRANCE TELECOM, has installed within FRANCE TELECOM a corruption system to finance politicians, and it is himself who has everything made, in colloboration with other jewish persons in the against espionage service of France, to harm my interests. Around 1996, the jewish network began to make use of a false state reason (raison d’Etat) by which it prevents justice to condemn it.
    – two extremist french jewish person with the names, Eric Constantini and Philippe Lumbroso, were the managers of the company Kortex International where I was a salaried from the end of 1986 to may 1989. After gaining a lot through my hard work, they attacked me when I left the company despite their will. With the collobaration of jewish agents of the against espionage service of France they are the beneficiaries of an industrial espionage committed in my home between 1993 and 1996 concerning an innovative product I’ve created. These two persons are undoubtedly the originators (or in the worst cases accomplices) of a kind of barbaric Jewish fatwa to destroy me, the world even if he perish!
    – …

    P.S. : How the Jew-MC try to manipulate you for example about me?
    It’s stupid, but for exemple by torturing with MC me when sending you this text. When I denounce this in my text with a sentence : they are in the process of torturing me (as they did 16/03/2015), so they try to make you believe that I am mentally ill because they simply believe it is not possible to prove the existence of MC.

    They tortured me at the night of 19/06/2015 + all of the 20/06/2015.


    Why was I targeted?

    First, I’m not sure of the exact date when it started, but I know that I am targeted since at least 1999. I became aware of this targeting by 2004, the year the cruelties and tortures via the “Mind Control” have been widely emphasized.

    In reality, some known French Jewish people started to try to harm me in a hidden manner since about 1989, they have resorted to secret service counter espionage in France (DST: Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, local FBI) in which they had an anti-democratic power, then, when things started to go bad for them they begin to use secrecy in addition the “State Reason” (its power is infinite in France and it leaves almost no room for justice, it’s anti-democratic). Ultimately, they have resorted to secret system “Mind Control”, and this sophisticated system has been used in a more obvious when I appealed to the French court, they had already in their hands the “State Reason” (based on a false record) but they closely surround me and they would let anyone understand my affairs or even help me, even for judicial affairs. They isolate me for very many years.
    Among the E-Jews, are nominally identified in France agents of the DST, commissar police, industrialists, leaders of the French Jewish community, …

    The President of the French Republic (former), Mr Jacques Chirac, was directly abused compared to its status via the “Mind Control”, and this was also the case for the President of the Republic of Tunisia (former), Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. E-Jews using “Mind Control” system in France and Tunisia have more power via the “Mind Control” than presidents of the republic, and I suspect seriously that is also the case in the United States of America, otherwise it will not consistent; this international power is exercised in a very hidden and usually covers only cases involving the interests of the E-Jews.

    In my case, beyond the frightening torture I endured over many years, beyond also endured torture at some level in all unconsciousness by some members of my family (plus they murdered my father), I announced and I targeted by lawsuits Jewish people seriously involved with corruption cases, industrial espionage carried out at my expense … Under ordinary conditions, given the evidences that I brought to the courts, many E-Jews among these individuals should have been heavily punished.

    All this will be lies if I did not say that these perpetrators are trying to make me considered as a mental patient while controlling me very closely with the “Mind Control” system. Despite all the evidence I bring against them, they will continue to act in this way, but as we live under the dictatorship of the “Mind Control” system then nothing can stop them, not even the ridiculous.



    With this text I’ll try to answer to some questions concerning “Mind Control”, my aim is to help some people to understand correctly some major points concerning “Mind Control”. My opinions are based on my long history as a victim and on trivial logic. The abbreviation WMC refers to the “Mind Control” system which is used around the World.

    There is no doubt : The USA, because it is the most powerful country in the world which was involved in these systems for so long decades. Also, but not the most important, the historical and the large number of victims are in USA. There is no other correct answer to this question.

    Do you think that a so sophisticated spying system was created only to give satisfaction to some sadists? No. The WMC is elaborated to be used for some other more important goals : politics, wars, terrorism or security concerns, … It’s used to torture some victims around the world but it’s not only the unique goal.

    A unique WMC dominates in the world. Imagine the existence of more than a unique WMC, then it will a war between the existing MCs, and some victims can then be protected by another MC. Neither wars between MCs or rescued victims exist! Moreover, on 5 continents the facts of the torture committed by the WMC are very similar or even identical, this is the proof of the existence of a unique WMC. But, it is not impossible that some other minor MC are under development in some countries or organizations.

    In most cases the answer is No. Some victims believe that it’s true because when they try to get help from these countries then they didn’t get it, because the administration and services of these countries (police, justice, …) are controlled by the WMC, so things can not be ok for the victims. Moreover, it is logic to understand that in the world only few people shall officially know about the existence of the WMC, those who use the WMC won’t involve or tell it to so many people around the world, otherwise the secret won’t no more be one. I encourage all the victims around the world to do all the necessary in all the countries to try to defend their rights, even it’s not easy, this continuing effort will one day make the WMC fall, because these repetitive actions will conduct the people using the WMC to produce errors and errors when trying to close the doors for victims.

    Every victim shall try to do it. But, we shall understand the fact that if a unique major justice court condemn the use of the WMC then it will be the beginning of the end for the WMC! So, those who created and use the WMC will not permit it, they are already able to control the minds of lawyers, doctors, and judges. But, sure, one day it will be possible to condemn the use of WMC in court.

    It’s evident that the answer is No. Because, even if a human being is sometimes so bad, we can’t admit that a country is so sadistic to have a long program of torture of hundreds or thousands of its own people (or even around the world), the risk is total and makers behind these crimes will be sooner or later condemned. So if it’s not an official country administration that controls all things about WMC then what it may be? It can’t be other thing than a strong and dominating organization which has more power and influence than the most powerful country in the world which created the WMC. How many organizations with these capabilities exist in the world? Besides my proper case and experience, only a kind of a Jew lobby in the USA (or with world dimension) may fit. At the time of the obvious domination of the WMC, the scandalous destruction of so many Muslims countries (with killing of millions of Muslims), remember the case of Irak, with using of infrastructures of some major occidental countries, serve first the interests of the people who closely support Israel,


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